
Mitochondrial iron-sulfur proteins in plants


25 mars 2019
Institut de Botanique, bât. B22
Quartier Vallée | 4, Chemin de la Vallée
4000 Liège
1h à 2h

La Faculté des Sciences et l'Unité de Recherche InBioS ont le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence du Prof. Nicolas Rouhier intitulée "Towards the function and specificity of ‘late-acting’ maturation factors of mitochondrial iron-sulfur proteins in plants".

La conférence

Iron is an essential microelement because numerous metabolic processes and electron transfer reactions rely on heme- and iron-sulfur-containing proteins. Plants possess three machineries dedicated to the maturation of Fe-S proteins, namely SUF, ISC, and CIA, present in plastids, mitochondria and in the cytosol/nucleus, respectively. The assembly process can be split into two major steps, (i) the de novo assembly on scaffold proteins which requires ATP, iron and sulfur atoms, electrons and thus the concerted action of several proteins forming ‘early-acting’ assembly complexes, and (ii) the transfer of the preformed Fe-S cluster to client proteins using a set of ‘late-acting’ maturation factors. The functions of these factors were analyzed by complementation of the yeast mutants, by molecular and physiological studies of A. thaliana insertion mutants and/or also by the biochemical and spectroscopic characterization of recombinant proteins. In addition, protein-protein interactions were studied by binary yeast two-hybrid experiments, bimolecular fluorescence complementation and/or pull-down experiments. Overall, our data show that almost all genes are essential, at least for embryo development. This contrasts with the situation in yeast even though the protein properties and functions seem conserved.

Le conférencier

Nicolas Rouhier est Professeur en Physiologie végétale à l’Université de Lorraine depuis 2011 où enseigne la biologie et la physiologie végétale, le génie génétique et l’ingénierie microbienne. Il est l’auteur de 139 articles dans des revues internationales (h-index 45) et a reçu de nombreux prix (en France et internationaux : Prix de la Chancellerie des Universités de Lorraine en 2005, Membre junior de l’institut universitaire de France 2009- 2014, Prix Suzanne Zivi de l’académie de Stanislas en 2010, Prix Gay-Lussac-Von Humboldt en 2014). Ses recherches concernent la régulation des molécules réactives de l’oxygène chez les plantes et la synthèse des centres Fe-S.


Pr Claire Remacle | UR InBios




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