Défense de thèse


4 octobre 2021

Le lundi 4 octobre 2021, Pierre STIERNET présentera l'examen en vue de l’obtention du grade académique de Docteur en Sciences (Collège de doctorat en Chimie) sous la direction de Antoine DEBUIGNE.

Cette épreuve consistera en la défense publique d’une dissertation intitulée :

« Taking advantage of multicomponent reactions for the synthesis of advanced polymers and porous materials».


The present thesis aims to contribute to the quest for increasingly complex functional polymers while respecting a simpler and more efficient chemistry. For this purpose, we took advantage of multicomponent reactions which involve at least three compounds and yield complex structures containing almost all atoms of the reactants. First, stimuli-responsive and biocompatible materials were synthesized using the Ugi four-component polymerization of amino acids. A variant of this reaction was then adapted for step-growth polymerization leading to a series of unprecedented poly(α-amino amide)s. In a second part, the Radziszewski reaction and the emulsion-templating polymerization method were combined giving access to macroporous poly(imidazolium)s networks of interest in catalysis and CO2 capture.

Lien Orbi


Le Jury sera composé de :

M. J.-C. MONBALIU (Président), Mme et MM. A. DEBUIGNE (Promoteur), F. DU PREZ (Ghent Universiteit), C. JEROME (Secrétaire), S. KOVACIC (National Institute of Chemistry, Slovénie), M.A.R. MEIER (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Allemagne).

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