Défense de thèse


23 août 2022
Amphithéâtres de l'Europe (salle R54, bât. B4)
Quartier Agora - Boulevard du Rectorat, 13
4000 Liège
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Le mardi 23 août 2022, Sophie ROSU présentera l'examen en vue de l’obtention du grade académique de Docteur en Sciences (Collège de doctorat en Sciences spatiales) sous la direction de Gregor RAUW.

Cette épreuve consistera en la défense publique d’une dissertation intitulée :

« Apsidal Motion in O-Star Binaries. 
Constraining the internal structure of the stars ».


Stars more massive than about ten solar masses play a key role in many processes in the Universe (winds, powerful supernova explosions, chemical enrichment of the Universe). More than 70% of them are bound by gravitational attraction to a companion star and, together, they orbit around each other on an elliptic orbit. The tidal interactions occurring between the two stars give rise to the slow precession of the orbit, called the apsidal motion. The rate of this motion is directly related to the internal structure constant of each star, which is a measure of the mass distribution between the core and the external layers of the star. Measuring the apsidal motion rate hence provides a diagnostic of the otherwise difficult to constrain internal structure of stars and offers a test of our understanding of stellar structure and evolution. 

Lien ORBi


Le Jury sera composé de :

M. M.-A. DUPRET (Président), Mmes et MM. A. GIMENEZ (Centro de Astrobiología, Madrid), A. LEMAITRE (UNamur), G. MEYNET (Université de Genève), Y. NAZE (Secrétaire), G. RAUW (Promoteur).

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