Défense de thèse


17 septembre 2021

Le vendredi 17 septembre 2021,  Delphine ZANELLA résentera l'examen en vue de l’obtention du grade académique de Docteur en Sciences (Collège de doctorat en Chimie) sous la direction de Jean-François FOCANT.

Cette épreuve consistera en la défense publique d’une dissertation intitulée :

« Advanced Chromatographic and Mass Spectrometric Methods for Lung Disease Research ».


The study of the metabolome is valuable to gain insight into complex biological systems as it reflects an organism’s metabolic status at a given timepoint. Similarly, physiological and pathological processes affect the volatilome, i.e., the volatile organic compounds produced by living organisms, opening possibilities for the development of novel non-invasive diagnostic techniques. High-resolution chromatographic methods associated to mass spectrometry are necessary to unravel the complexity of the metabolome. The research conducted in this thesis aims at properly combining cutting-edge analytical platforms, specifically comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography, (ultra)-high-performance liquid chromatography hyphenated to various forms of mass spectrometry, with powerful statistical approaches to develop non-invasive diagnostic and prognostic methods for inflammatory and infectious lung diseases using exhaled breath, and to gain insight into the biological processes using in vitro cellular and bacterial cultures. To further increase the robustness of the conducted studies, optimized and tailored sampling procedures to the sample type and to the chosen analytical platform are employed.


Le Jury sera composé de :

Mme B. VERTRUYEN (Présidente), Mmes et MM. H. BEAN (Arizona State University), G. EPPE (Secrétaire), J.-F. FOCANT (Promoteur), F. SCHLEICH, A. SMOLINSKA (Maastricht University).

iconeInfoCette défense de thèse sera accessible en visioconférence via GoToMeeting video-conference tool :
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Password : 1709

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